Sunday, December 5, 2010

Faith Community

A faith community can be a place to cultivate culture – a breeding ground for our way of being with one another.  We can inspire each other to habituate justice, equity and compassion – to make it second nature in our lives and so an inspiration, an encouragement to all we meet in our ways and walking.  That’s not something that happens once or for all time.  It is a tending and a nurturing of spirit.  It is gentle reminders and well timed wake up calls.  It is sowing seeds and cultivating health.  We come together to remind ourselves how to come to our better selves, to gain insight from different perspectives, to embolden projects of love and justice and to grow in understanding of life in its majesty and mystery.

We cannot do this alone.  We cannot do this without an open heart.  We cannot do this without courage for the new.  We cannot do this without love of truth.

We have the opportunity of collective wisdom in a faith community, we can find the spiritual truth in our lives, giving it room to grow, with humility toward a larger shared truth beyond our full knowing.  We celebrate the different ways of being, ways of thinking, ways of seeing to fill our hearts with possibility and the hope of ever growing wisdom.  We find ways to live out our intution for justice, our knowledge of peace and our love of earth.  We do this every time we meet in one way or another – embolden one another toward a new and yet ancient world, waiting to thrive. 

We do it now, within our lives and from our hearts.

Let’s cherish our coming together, our joint endeavors, our learning curves and our surprising resources.  Let’s support the aspirations we have in the lives we are capable of living, for ourselves, our humanity and our world.