What if I am not one intact soul traversing countless lives? What if the primordial ooze intermingles life essence while on deck for birth and a mixture of life experiences compose my present enterprise of being?
Could make sense. Could help explain mixed impulses throughout our lives, or varied times we seem to flow inexplicably or yearn for something out of the blue. Could account for certain hauntings of "unfinished business" or a flash of sudden knowledge -- a sudden surety that was not earned or logically arrived at. Could give a new twist to that unexplained instant recognition of another.
Perhaps much of soul work is a kind of inner "tikkun olam" (repairing the world), making our inner world whole, fusing the shards together. Perhaps that's part of "jihad", the inner struggle for wholeness.
So what? How might this information help? It may help us accept -- even love -- all parts of ourselves, knowing that they somehow serve the whole, either in healing or being healed to inform this mystery, this majesty, this ride called life.
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