Monday, February 27, 2012

Making Room for the Grace of God

In the presence of grasping, there is no room for the grace of God.

And so, we have times when we feel abandoned by the Cosmos -- our prayers seem to "fall on deaf ears".  Why, comes the wonder, do I feel so alone?  Why this emptiness, comes the plea, when I'm trying as hard as I can?  Why am I ignored -- rejected -- in my earnestness?

The Universe does not resonate with "my way", which is what grasping is about.
Whether we are grasping for fame or peace, for recompense or enlightenment, we are seeking something we will not find, which is the way we think things ought to be, or some special gesture that agrees we are in charge.

"Seek and ye shall find" is a phrase that can throw us off track.  The seeking is about openning, not directing; and the finding is about embracing, not securing. 

So what or how do we seek to come to a place of ease, away from the grasping and emptiness?

Take a moment to notice.  Notice the air you are breathing.  Remember our exchange with trees.  Notice the sun, even when you cannot see it.  The sun which brings life.  Let the sun feel like love.  Let it penetrate every cell.  And Trust. 

Trust is the antidote to grasping.  Trust ushers in the sense of belonging -- the knowledge of shared being.  Trust makes room for the grace of God.

Then go about your day.  Replace grasping with gratitude, and a glimpse of ease will come into notice.  You are held.  You belong.

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